Want to save money? Enjoy a reduced rate for aircraft rental and instruction by purchasing a block of time. Block rates are available in $1000 blocks and can be purchased online any time prior to your flight. Funds on account can be used for any aircraft, instruction, simulator, student kits, or a combination thereof.
Block time is not available retroactively, and is non-refundable.
Prices include fuel and insurance.
Tail Number Type Block rate Normal Rate
N239VA RV12 S-LSA $112 $124
N237VA RV12 S-LSA $112 $124
N54829 Cessna 172P $116 $129
N6817J Piper Archer II $120 $134
iGate Simulator $47 $52
Ground and Flight Instruction $62 $68
Unlike flying clubs, flight schools do not charge sales tax or monthly dues for aircraft rental. This will save you about $100 each month, plus 6% per hour of aircraft rental.
AutoGyro GmbH
Sales, Service, &
Flight Training
Boise Airport -3815 Rickenbacker St #203 - Boise - Idaho - 83705 - Tel: 208-869-6459 - SMS: 208-807-0582 - info@glasscockpitaviation.com